welcome to mozaika church
We are excited, that you visited our website! You can find out more information about our church here. We meet every Sunday at 4 pm in the University of Hradec Králové Campus. Our church is open to everyone, not only christians but anyone who wants to know more about God.
What can you expect?
Informal atmosphere
Inspirational and practical teachings from the Bible
Quality time for kids
Meeting and spending time with others while drinking tea or coffee

How can you get to us?
Campus UHK, Hradecká 1227/4, Hradec Králové
Building “A” is at the very first building in the area “Na Soutoku”
GPS coordinates: 50°12'13.237"N,15°49'48.120"E
Public transport goes to bus station “Heyrovského” (bus no. 1, 16, 24, 33).
Parking is available for free in front of the building.
For the first time in Mozaika. What can I expect?
Before church
If you come to Mozaika before the service, we offer you some quick snack (coffee, tea etc.) from 3:30 pm. This is also a great time to meet new people. At 3:45 pm we open the room where the main program takes place. You will receive calendars with events from our welcome team including some information about us.
Translation set
Our welcome team is ready to equip you with headsets for translation into english. Let them know and they will assist you with your translation gear.
We start at 4 PM
A countdown clock runs on the big screen before the service starts every Sunday. When you hear some greetings while drinking coffee, thats the sign that the service is about to begin. After a short introduction we have a couple of worship songs followed by an inspirational message from the Bible. You can contribute to our church at the end of our service. We offer baskets for the contributions. Our church is not financed by the government and we pay for all expenses ourselves. The money we get from our contributors go straight to charity projects. Your contribution is voluntary.
Kids church / Corner for moms
If you come with kids, we do provide a service for the young ones. Kids up to age of 3 can stay with parents in our common room equipped with video-streaming of the running service from the main room. Kids from 3 to 12 years old have a special service every Sunday that is divided into a couple of teams based on their age. Our mission is to create a place that kids would be excited to come back to.
Coffee & Prayers
We welcome you for coffee at the end of the Sunday Mozaika Church. This is a very important time for us, where we get to meet you personally and create new friendships. We have a prayer spot every Sunday where we offer prayers for your needs or the needs of your loved ones.